Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Connor turns 6 with a Star Wars party.

For Connor's birthday celebration in Holland we had a Star Wars themed party. Connor had an absolute blast and so did DAD! Chris was so into this party!!! He ordered light sabers for him and Connor as well as made 20 light sabers out of pool noodles and duct tape for a party game and party favors (you are welcome parents) tee hee, he ordered Star Wars costumes for the whole family, created a party playlist with Star Wars music and organised a special battle between him and Connor that Connor could win and be the hero. Chris you are an A+ Dad! 

The bounce house was a great hit . . . kept the kids busy all afternoon.

Here we are Darth Vader, Princess Leia (Connor said he was ok with me not doing the hair. And I thank him for that), baby Yoda and Hans Solo.
R2 D2 cupcakes.

Baby Yoda. 
This girl is ALL personality. 

Connor and Chris at battle.

Blowing out his candle! Happy happy birthday Connor. I cannot believe you are 6 years old or that Dad and I have been parents for 6 years! Where has the time gone?!?!

I had so much fun bouncing with Connor and it is such good exercise. We may need to buy one of these!

We lined up all the sugar filled kids and handed them each a weapon I mean light saber and told them to keep 2 balloons in the air...WOW that was a good idea. Tee Hee again . . . parents you are welcome.

 The game was actually a big hit. Hitting each other with the light sabers was even more of a hit. Ooops.

Battle Royal.
Jessy enjoyed the party too. Sweet little Yoda.

Dear Connor,
You are an amazing kid! You are caring and smart and funny and super cute and full of giggles. You are an ace lego builder, a good beginner reader, fast at math, interested in helping animals and the environment, you love God and Jesus and your family. You are a good brother and a wonderful son. We love you to the moon and back and then to the farthest farthest planet and back and with an ice cream on top.
Love you C! Mom, Dad & Jess.

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