Connor loved feeding the pigeons in every city. It was a great past time while Chris and I relaxed.
Mangiare! Our little photographer took this one at the Rialto bridge.
Hummm . . . Some freshie mushrooms.
Mangiare! Mangiare! That was one of our best dinners of the whole trip and of course I can't remember the name of the restaurant!
Just a cool picture of my guys.
I love boats. There were not many trees in Venice but we found a lovely park full of them for Connor to play at.
These boys were fishing in front of the cafe we ate our last lunch in Venice at and Connor was thrilled to see them catching minnows in their net. He was more than thrilled to touch the fish in their little bucket. Connor was happy and busy and Chris and I enjoyed a relaxing finish to Venice.
Then what an exit. I just love love loved the beautiful speed boat we took to the airport. It would have been even cooler had it not been raining.
Arrivederci Venice. On to the next adventure... Paris!
Scooters galore.
Giant meringue cookies . . . Marina this pic is for you.
ummm doesn't look sick to me ;-)
A little shopping.
Sleeping at dinner.
The Duomo
We tried to find a park for Connor in every city... Connor needs to play at home and away!
The Ponte Vecchio with beautiful light.
Doors at the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore
The hot chocolate in Italy was thick like a melted chocolate bar. Connor turned into a crazy person about 10 minutes after finishing this ;-) If you can imagine a preschooler that has just eaten 4 candy bars.
Connor showing off his dance moves at the Florence train station.
Chris feeling all better and we are on the speed train to Venice and another adventure.